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投稿者 / 2017/09/13 / No comments


(Watch: Knot, Fragrance: Le Labo Vanille 44, Earrings: & Other Stories)

I've recently subscribed to ELLE Sweden magazines and there are three different reasons why!

  1. I've got a new job  (as I mentioned on my previous blog poost) and that's why I feel that I deserve a something to celebrate! But I haven't had time to hold a celebration date yet... I need to fix one as soon as I get some free time.
  2. ELLE Sweden had a campaign that gives you a reasonable price for a subscription, plus you get a pair of exclusive cocktail glasses from Iittala. 
  3. I always need new inspiration for my blogposts! 
It's actually really nice to read magazines! I used to love it and used to buy several issues every month. But nowadays I tend to read different fashion articles on the web. But it's not the same feeling as reading a real physical magazine! So I'm very happy that they'll send me a new issue every month :) I've missed that feeling!

  1. (前のブログにも書いた通り)新しい仕事が決まったことに自分にご褒美を買わなきゃね!まだ忙しくてお祝いができてないけど、時間ができたら何かお祝いをするつもり。
  2. ELLEスウェーデンが今キャンペーン中で購読を求めやすい値段でそしてイッタラのカクテルグラスもついてくるっていうので、こんないい話ないよね?
  3. 最後の理由はいつもインスピレーションが必要だから。

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