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投稿者 / 2017/09/03 / No comments


We've been re-organising a lot at home ever since we got home from Japan. This weekend we've spent most of the time assembling new furniture from IKEA. Some of our projects are not done yet, but we're finished with the biggest one! Yes, the wardrobe has been expanded <3 This wardrobe was a late birthday present from my fiancés parents.

You can it compare to the old one here: WINTER HOME INTERIOR + MY WARDROB
It's a huge difference! I've just cleaned out my clothes a short while ago, but now I feel like I can own even more clothes... Yay!
Ok, I'll have to calm down and take it easy with the expansion, or else my fiancé well get mad... Haha!

Btw, the chair with leather seat that I put next to the wardrobe is also new. We brought it home all the way from Japan. My aunt had the same model, and since we loved them so much and she ordered two as a present for us.

I love my new interior design and the new furniture <3 So ready to spend a lot of cozy time at home during the coming winter!


前のはブログに以前載せてるから比べてみてね→ WINTER HOME INTERIOR + MY WARDROB



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