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投稿者 / 2017/12/03 / No comments


I just had the one of my toughest weeks of 2017. So I thought that I deserve to enjoy my weekend!

On Friday, I went on lunch with my colleague. I currently have my I'm obsessed with menu. Spicy tuna from The Fishery. I had the same menu last time I were there. You can find it in the food court at Teatern.


金曜は同僚とランチに。最近ハマってるThe FisheryのSpicy tuna。こないだのランチと同じもの頼んじゃった!これはフードコートTeaternで食べれるよ!

That evening we went for afterwork.We started at Riche. I have been to their restaurant sometimes but never to their bar.


The next place we visited after Riche was Grand Escalier, located in Sturegallerian.
It was my first time visiting, but I liked their terrace. It was not too cold out there so we spent our time there. It was really nice compare to the inside- where too loud music was playing. And I really have to say, the mojito I had there was the best one I've ever had! Oh btw, I ordered the alcohol-free version :D (I got drunk on my first glass over at Riche...)

次の場所にハシゴ。Sturegallerianの中に入ってるGrand Escalierへ。

Next day, on Saturday, was time for Yoga from 10 o'clock with a friend. We usually go to Yoga together <3 To be honest, I was starting to regret that I had scheduled this in the morning since I was feeling so tired from the night before. But it always feels great after we finish. We had a little workout in the gym after yoga class. It's almost turning into a new training routine.

I grabbed lunch with another friend after my workout. We visited Sthlm Brunch Club. (Read my blog post about Sthlm Brunch Club here) I had a classic English breakfast there. Gosh, I realised that I really miss the type of breakfasts I had while visiting London a few years ago.

次の日、土曜日は友達と朝10時からヨガのクラスに。いつも一緒に参加してる笑 正直起きた時疲れすぎててヨガに行く約束したこと後悔したけど、結局ヨガ行けばスッキリして来てよかったなって毎回思える。その後軽くトレーニングもしたり。最近このパターンが定着してきてる。

朝のワークアウトの後は違う友達とランチの約束があったからSthlm Brunch Clubに行ったよ〜(前に書いたSthlm Brunch Clubのブログはこちら)クラシックイングリッシュブレックファーストを注文。これ食べて数年前にロンドンで食べた朝ごはんが恋しくなった笑

I went home for a short while to study a bit before meeting up with my colleagues. Then we went for dinner at Asahi. I've heard about their hotpot before but never had a chance to visit. It felt great having hot-pot with friends, especially during the cold season <3 I am so happy that I met and managed to befriend them at my work :)


Fun time flies by so fast.
Today I've been working all day to then come home and study the whole evening. Luckily my fiancé was supporting me from the background, buying me some energy drinks and also making food for me <3. I'll try to relax before going to bed. It's been too busy lately, making it hard for me to sleep well.

Tomorrow is the start of another week. I'll just have to do my best this week as well.

I hope you had a great weekend too!




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