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投稿者 / 2017/06/08 / No comments


I've received a lot of requests for posts about restaurants in Stockholm.
Ramen is becoming really popular in Stockholm so I thought sharing some restaurants that serves Ramen in Stockholm.


Totemo Ramen

Totemo Ramen serves Ramen in different styles, from Japanese ones to a bit westernized ones. I would say that the Japanese style would almost taste authentic Japanese, but coriander only if they didn't top with coriander. Their hand-made original noodles were great though.

Totemo Ramenは日本のラーメンからちょっと西洋化されたものまで色々出していて、日本のラーメンの味はよく再現できてると思う。コリアンダーがなければなあっと思ってしまうけど、手作りの麺はよかった!

Sankt Eriksgatan 70
113 20 Stockholm

Blue Light Yokohama

Blue Light Yokohama serves Ramen only on Sundays. But even with the limited time their ramen are real authentic Japanese ones.
It's the most delicious tonkotsu Ramen I've tasted so far in Stockholm.

Blue Light Yokohamaは日曜限定でラーメンをやってるよ。日本の味。ストックホルムで食べたとんこつラーメンで1番美味しかったなあ。(個人的にとんこつの臭さが苦手だけど、マイルドで食べやすかった。)

Åsögatan 170
116 32 Stockholm


Stiernan is a kind of hidden place, a cafe, that doesn't look like it would be serving bowls of ramen, but they actually do! They close early since they are more like cafe than a restaurant, but they have really delicious Japanese style ramen that are definitely worth trying!

During summer time they even have Hiyashi Chuuka (cold noodles).



Österlånggatan 45
111 31 Stockholm

Manga Ramen

A newly opened place at Kungsholmen. The ramen looks Japanese but it tastes more westernized. The roasted onions and coriander made their ramen unique, but they are nothing like the authentic Japanese taste. Their soup was light and lacked umami a bit. It was a really light flavor which main problem wasn't the lack of umami, but the lack of overall depth. I was actually expecting more Japanese styled ramen because their ramen looks great. I hope that they will improve their meny over time. They are only open during lunch time.

Kungsholmen(クングスホルメン)にオープンした新しいラーメン屋さん。見た目は日本のラーメンっぽいんだけど、味は西洋化されてる感じ。ローストオニオンとコリアンダーがユニークだけど、日本っぽさが感じられない味。笑 スープはライトな味わいだけど、旨味が足りない感じ。スープがライトなのが問題じゃないけど旨味が足りてないのと味に深さが足りないと言うか。(ちょっと水っぽかった。)写真でみて日本のラーメンを期待していったからちょっとがっかりだったけど、もっと改善重ねて美味しくなるといいな。ここもランチタイムオンリーの営業。

Pilgatan 28
112 23 Stockholm

Ai Ramen

Ai Ramen serves Japanese-fusion ramens. Their topping and tastes are unique with Japanese ingredients like tofu etc, but it is definitely a westernized taste.

Ai Ramenは日本のフュージョンって感じのラーメン。トッピングと味が日本食材(例えばこっちで典型的な日本食材、豆腐とか)を使われててユニークなんだけど、やっぱり西洋化されてる感じ。

Erstagatan 22
116 36 Stockholm

It's a pity that many ramen places are only open with during limited time (often only during lunch).
But during recent years more and more new ramen places open their doors in Stockholm, which I'm very happy for! It's also true that many places serve ramen with a taste adapted to the Swedish market, and many of them are far from the ramen you would find in Japan. There is still a lack of real Japanese ramen in Stockholm, so I hope many authentic ramen places will open here.


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